Hungarian Daniel Hasulyo and American Kimberly Barnes have paddled their way to ICF Stand Up Paddling World Cup gold on the final day of competition at Oklahoma City, leading all the way to take long distance gold in the men’s and women’s finals respectively.

It was the perfect warm-up for 30-year-old Hasulyo ahead of next month’s ICF SUP World Championships in Gdynia, Poland. The Hungarian made his mark on the men’s field early, clearing out to a commanding lead and successfully splitting the chase pack.

“This is the event I was really looking forward to, and I’m really happy I was able to deliver the kind of performance I was hoping,” Hasulyo said.

“I could feel just after the start that the boys had to work a little bit harder, especially in the upwind. I was racing on a board that I designed myself for these kind of conditions, so I was really happy I did not need to drop the pace going upwind.

“My preparation has been going really well. I’m flying straight from here to Gdynia and I’m going spend two weeks training on the course and getting used to the conditions. I cannot wait to go and prove myself against the best in the world.”

The long distance gold added to the silver Hasulyo won in the sprint, and his fourth placing in the technical race. American Bodie Von Allmen took the silver in the long distance race, with Brazil’s Eri Tenorio winning his second bronze medal of the weekend.

American Connor Baxter, winner of both the sprint and technical races, finished fourth.

Like Hasulyo, American Kimberly Barnes had set her sights on long distance gold this weekend in Oklahoma, and also cleared out to a commanding lead early in the 10 kilometre race.

“I usually do distance, but competing in all three races this weekend was a great experience, humbling, and you learn every time you race,” Barnes said.

“I definitely like drafting or working with others, I’ve lately been working on paddling by myself so I can get that feeling of being out in front.”

Fellow American April Zilg added the silver medal to the gold medals she won in the sprint and technical races, while another American, Katniss Paris, picked up her second bronze medal of the weekend.

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