Teneale Hatton, born 13 January 1990, is a New Zealand paddler who won the U23 Women’s title at the 2013 ICF Ocean Racing World Championships.

Hatton also has a world titles in canoe sprint K1W at both 1000 and 5000 meters and represented New Zealand at the London 2012 Olympic Games in the K1W 500m.

Her paddling career started as a lifesaver where she has also medalled.

Question: What has changed since 2013?

Teneale: I have done a few more races since 2013 so have more experience in how to race and how the other girls race. I have also joined the Think Kayak team racing the Uno Max which has been fantastic so spending a lot more time on that has certainly helped me feel comfortable racing.

Question: Do you keep the focus in the ocean racing discipline?

Teneale: My focus is a lot on sprint kayaking but I also keep ocean racing as a priority, it is such a fun discipline and helps my training.

Question: What have been your canoeing preparation and activity for the past two years?

Teneale: I have had a lot of focus on speed, strength and technique with the guidance of a fantastic coach which has certainly paid off.

Question: Are you competing in Tahiti? What is the main goal for 2015?

Teneale Yes I will be racing in Tahiti, I have my eye firmly set on that number one position but I am focused on trying to race it well and smartly.

Question: Do you know the Tahiti course? what are your expectations?

Teneale: I have never raced in Tahiti so it comes a lot down to research and arriving early to sus out the course. I am excited to race the event, I have heard fantastic things so it should be a great event and I can’t think of anywhere better to hold an ocean ski world champs.

Question; Has surfski and ocean racing discipline changed since the 2013 World Championships in your opinion? What were the most significant changes?

Teneale: I think the fields have certainly got larger, being more publicity behind the events, making for tougher racing, in my opinion this makes for more quality, elite racing and very exciting for the sport.

Canoe Ocean Racing