Reminder for online entries


Athletes’ and coaches’ profiles are made public and will be used by the media for the coverage of the World Cups and World Championships.

National Federations are responsible for the quality of the picture and information published on the SDP profiles.

We have observed since the launch of SDP in 2012 that a lot of National Federations created incorrect of incomplete profiles for their athletes and team staff members, as well as poor quality profile pictures.

It is the right of the organisers to not deliver accreditations if the data on your SDP PROFILE is either INCORRECT OR INCOMPLETE or if you do not submit a photo that meets the requirements below:

Mandatory profile information:

  • Name and Surname must be the exact same as they appear on passport.
  • Birth city
  • Height and Weight
  • Right/Left handed

Optional profile information (strongly recommended, via the biography tab):

  • Hobbies
  • Other sports
  • International Debut (date and event)
  • Injuries
  • Miscellaneous information

Profile picture:

  • In colour
  • Taken within the last 6 months to reflect your current appearance
  • Taken in front of a plain white or off-white background
  • Taken in full-face view directly facing the camera
  • With a neutral facial expression and both eyes open
  • Taken in clothing that you normally wear on a daily basis
    • Team Uniforms are encouraged and accepted
    • Do not wear a hat or head covering that obscures the hair or hairline, unless worn daily for a religious purpose. Your full face must be visible, and the head covering must not cast any shadows on your face.
    • Headphones, wireless hands-free devices, or similar items are not acceptable in your photo.
    • If you normally wear glasses (without tinted lenses), a hearing device, or similar articles, they may be worn in your photo.
    • Dark glasses or glasses with tinted lenses are not acceptable.
    • Glare on glasses is not acceptable in your photo. Glare can be avoided with a slight downward tilt of the glasses or by removing the glasses or by turning off the camera flash.

Database doubles

If you notice that some athletes have multiple profiles in the database, please contact by email to send the list of doubles and the correct profiles to keep. Doubles will be deleted before the start of the season.

What to do for entries and accreditations?

In order to manage your numerical and nominal for athletes, and the accreditations for the rest of the team members (elected representatives, team leader, coaches, physio, driver etc…) you need to do the following:

I) Go to this address:

and download the user guide of SDP. Please make sure to read it carefully.

II) Log into SDP at the following address:

1) If you DO NOT know your username and password, please contact your national federation. Please DO NOT try to log in with credentials that you are not sure of as several false attempts can block the system for security reasons.

2) If you know your credentials but cannot enter the system for some reasons, please immediately contact

3) If you see a blank page or a recurring error message, first try to delete the SDP cookies in your web browser. Otherwise please contact

III) Make sure to respect the deadlines for numerical and nominal entries and pre accreditations. Late entries will be accepted only under exceptional conditions. Do not wait for the last minute as you always may face some issues!

IV) Do the numerical / nominal entries / accreditations for your team. Please note that if the athletes are not in the database already you need to create their profiles.

V) Important: the athletes are automatically accredited when you do the online entries. No need to enter them in the pre-accreditations section!

VI) Go to pre-accreditations and enter your team staff members. Please make sure to search in the database to check if the team member is already registered before creating a new person/profile, then add the person with his/her function.

VII) f you need any help please contact