2017 ICF CSL Team Leaders & Coaches Conference

2017 ICF Canoe Slalom Team Leaders & Coaches Conference - Information Bulletin

17 – 19 November, Ivrea, ITA

The 2017 ICF Canoe Slalom Coaches Conference will be organised by the Italian Canoe Federation in cooperation with the Ivrea Canoe Club and the ICF CSL committee, with support from Città di Ivrea and Canavese Turismo.

The Coach Conference will take place from Friday 17 November to Sunday 19 November 2018 in Ivrea, Italy.

Venue and Accommodation

The Conference will be held at: Santa Marta, Ivrea
The delegates’ accommodation (full-board) will be provided at Hotel Gardenia
Regione Poarello, 11 – Romano Canavese (TO)  http://www.hgardenia.com
Upon arrival at the Hotel, a member of the Organising Committee will be waiting to greet you and assist with your check-in and provide additional information.

Several full board solutions are proposed:




Number of people




Thursday 16 afternoon

Sunday 19th



345 €/person


Thursday 16 afternoon

Sunday 19th



432 €/person


Friday 17th morning

Sunday 19th



268 €/person


Friday 17th morning

Sunday 19th



326 €/person


Social Program

The official dinner for conference delegates will be held on Saturday evening, 18th November 2017. The dress code for the conference and official dinner is casual.

Technical Information

Full audio and visual facilities for presentations are available within the Conference Centre.
The official working language of the ICF Canoe Slalom Coaches Conference is English.
For coaches not able to attend the Conference, it will be possible to join selected session of the Coach Conference via the internet. Please advise if you wish to be involved in the conference by this means with a limit of 6 Internet participants.
Representatives of the Athletes commission have been invited to the conference.
Presentations and discussions may be filmed/recorded by the Organisers.

Travel Information

The best way to get to the hotel by car, train or plane, is described below.

Travel by Plane
Delegates should arrive at Torino Caselle or Milano Malpensa airports where a shuttle service will be provided by the organization.

Travel by Car

  • From Turin: Highway A5 Torino - Aosta - exit Ivrea
  • From Milan: Highway A4 Milano - Torino, Junction A4-A5 Santhia-Ivrea, Highway A5 direction Aosta - exit Ivrea
  • From France
    • Tunnel du Mont Blanc - E25 direction Courmayer, Highway A5 Aosta  -Torino - exit Ivrea
    • Tunnel du Frejus - E70 / T4 direction Turin, 132 / E70, Highway A5 direction Aosta - exit Ivrea

Upon arrival at Ivrea parking is available at your accommodation and a shuttle service will be provided from hotels to conference halls.

 IJCSL Examination

An IJCSL examination will be held during the Conference if there are candidates confirmed at the confirmation date deadline. Delegates wishing to sit this examination will need to sent the attached application form to the ICF Headquarters and Jean Michel PRONO (jmprono@gmail.com) via your National Federation, before 30 October 2017.

Conference Schedule – Provisional

The first working session will be the afternoon of Friday and the last will be the morning session (until lunch time) on Sunday.

Conference Topics

Please feel free to contribute / request specific topics but currently provisional topics include:

  • Review of 2017 Season
  • 2020 Tokyo OG
  • Qualification system
  • Venue preparation
  • Extreme Canoe Slalom Cross
  • Balance of TV impact
  • Electronic Gate update
  • Competition program – C2M/Mx
  • Smart button implementation
  • Rules development for 2018 congress
  • IJSL – Canoe Slalom Examination
  • Criteria for judging
  • Practical video judging
  • YOG

Registration – Accreditation

Accreditation Fees are per person and include:

  • Full board accommodation (single or double room) from Thursday 16th afternoon or Friday 17th morning to Sunday 19th afternoon depending on the solution chosen
  • Conference from Friday 17th to Sunday 19th
  • Official dinner

The prices are given in the section titled “Venue and accommodation”.

Payment is due in advance through bank transfer to:
IT 36 S 05034 01000 000000000925

The Delegate Registration form should be returned via e-mail by Friday 27th October 2017 to
Ms Renee De Maio: Renee.Demaio@ventanagroup.it, phone: +39 011 467308
Sue Natoli: suenatoli@gmail.com

Conference Organisation

Ivrea Canoa Club - Claudio Roviera: claudio.roviera@gmail.com, phone: +39 393 9965763

ICF CSL Committee contact details: Sue Natoli - suenatoli@gmail.com

We look forward to welcoming you to this conference.
Should you require any additional information please do not hesitate to contact us.


Claudio Roviera & Jean Michel Prono



Registration Form – ICF Canoe Slalom Coaches Conference
Microsoft Office document icon registration_coachconference2017.doc

Application Form – IJCSL Examination
Microsoft Office document icon registration_ijcsl.doc

Complete Information Bulletin (.pdf)
PDF icon 2017_icf_csl_coach_conference_ivrea_ita_bulletin1_.pdf